There are so many poems here. Most of them good. But good doesn't seem to be the point.
That they are here at all, poems just being poems, that is what this book exists for. And honestly, I don't mind it. Like I said, the poems are good enough, occasionally great, and even more occasionally worthwhile. Which is what makes reading this book really enjoyable. Really, who's to say poetry needs to be worthwhile? Why do I need to feel like a poem hasn't wasted my time?
I mean, that's why I read waste time. When I read the paper, I don't hesitate to jump from one article to the next, so as to not waste time. But when I read poems, I'm happy to waste the time, because somewhere, it feels good to know that that is what I'm doing. I'm just sitting around, reading some fucking poems and this book allowed me that greatest of luxuries without feeling like I owed it more than that.
I hate that I owe books something. Look, I say, I'm reading you, isn't that good enough?
Happily, in this case, it seems to be.
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